A Funny Moment in Origins

Jan 14, 2018 | Assassin | 0 comments

AC Origins is one of my favorites of the franchise, and this game my first exploration into RPG play.  My favorite way to complete an area is to use complete stealth, with not a single discovery of my presence in the area. AC Origins allows that type of game play.

As I’ve mentioned before, poison is one of the most effective methods to dispatch multiple enemy especially when you are at a high level. This video shows a target that has been poisoned, yet still manages to act the role of the tough guy even after vomiting. It was a funny diversion from the usual of eliminating targets.

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  1. Great game!! One of the reasons I am visiting is because I am new to the game and like the…

  2. P Z

    D_B is an excellent gamer, and is the person that developed the Far Cry 2 maps

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