Using poison-tipped arrows

May 29, 2021 | Assassin | 0 comments

The Assassin’s Creed games are my top favorite

My preferred method of playing is stealth, and I always try to go into an area dispatching all enemy and leaving without anyone knowing who did the dastardly deed. When using stealth, poison is my favorite, although fire could be equally effective.

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Which do you prefer, fire or poison when using stealth?x

Using a couple of poison-tipped arrows, it was easy to dispatch many foes in a relatively large battle. The assaulted my area with large waves of enemy, but an arrow into anyone in the group made short work of the group.

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  1. Great game!! One of the reasons I am visiting is because I am new to the game and like the…

  2. P Z

    D_B is an excellent gamer, and is the person that developed the Far Cry 2 maps

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